Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Emergency Room and golf

So, it just wouldn't be a complete trip if the Isernhagen's didn't have at least one visit to the emergency room. The second night we were there we tucked the boys into bed. About 1/2 hour later I heard a scream - you know the one......not the 'I'm sort of hurt scream', but the 'come quick, something is really wrong' scream. I ran into the room to find Jake crying with a face full of blood. We didn't ask any questions, just rushed him to the hospital. He had a pretty good cut and developed a huge shiner (the picture doesn't do it justice).

Ben stayed home with Nana and Papa and my Dad got the scoop on what happened. The boys were throwing the mouse pad up in the air (they slept in the computer room). Because that's what you do when your supposed to be sleeping - right? Anyway, the pad got stuck in the ceiling fan.....Soooooo, Jake needed to get the mouse pad down. He climbed on the desk and tried to balance on the chair to reach the fan - crash!!! Right down on the computer. OUCH! I think we were lucky social services weren't called given the bruises on the other side of his face from the Rockies game incident *sigh*.

We DID get the quote of the weekend while we were at the hospital though:

Drunk guy (coming in with bloody hand): can you get a dummy a bandage?
Drunk guys wife/girlfriend: you better shut up before I leave you here.
Nurse: Are you sure you don't want a tetanus shot?
Drunk guys wife: Oh no, he's up to date on all his shots....he just got out of prison.
We took the boys golfing one day with us. They hit their clubs around our yard a lot, but it is so fun for them to be able to go to an actual course and get the ball in the hole. I am always so nervous about bothering the other golfers, but no one seems to mind. In fact, we get 'isn't that cute' comments. We've never attempted to bring the boys to a course in Denver, but I'm sure it wouldn't fly here.

My Dad was such a trooper. He had one of his wisdom teeth taken out a couple of days before we got there. Turns out, it became infected and the Dentist wasn't available during the holiday weekend. Although he stayed pretty upbeat, this picture has to describe how he was feeling.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

hooli said...

Looks like you found Jake's glasses. Or are these the new ones?