Sunday, December 21, 2008


As I think of Christmas as a child, thumbprint, butter and candy cane cookies come to mind.  We would go on our annual holiday trip to Illinois and arrive to plates and a freezer full of my Grandma Betty's Christmas cookies.  My mom has continued the cookies and now the boys are helping me make them.

When Erik asked me why there was a 'green alien in my cookie' I thought he was attempting another sexual joke...then I took a closer look.


hooli said...

How is, "green alien in my cookie" even remotely sexual? Wait, wait... don't tell me.

ErinAlice said...

I thought it was an elf!! Also I still make the butter cookies using the recipe I got from you in high school. Yummy!!

ErinAlice said...

Oh to answer your question on my blog-no we haven't seen Marley and Me but it is on our list. Have you?? Yes the girls loved the snow. I could hardly get them to come inside. So great!! I need to see more pictures of your mom and dad!! :) Tell them Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us!!