Friday, July 11, 2008

99 Degrees!!!!!

That was the temp. today, so we went to the "whale" pool to beat the heat.

Yep, I see the sign to the right of the whale - Ben starts with his feet first, but is so little that the little water pressure takes over :)
The boys have a little lifeguard crush. She stays by them when they are in the water because she thinks they are funny. They started to splash her...but wait! is she allowed to splash them back? Well, she did. The game went on for 1/2 hour.
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1 comment:

ErinAlice said...

99?? Wow! I don't even think it was that hot here. It looks like you had a fab 4th. Lots of stuff going on with twins being born and the weather being unbearable. I guess if a boy is going to have a crush, a lifeguard is a good choice. Have you seen Sandlot??? Oh and wasn't Wall-E so cute?? I love him. Happy July!!