Monday, July 14, 2008

Food, Fireworks and Obama

Setting: The backyard, dining room table and front porch.
The Characters: Ferres, Perlas and Isernhagens
What: Dinner, games, fireworks and funny kid antics.

More fireworks - Jake asked if it was Fourth of July AGAIN? There was only one burn injury (it was my husband), but I consider that lucky with the amount of adult beverages consumed earlier in the night.
See the cute little girl sitting on Miss Julia's lap in the middle? Her Mommy and Daddy kept referring to her as Barack Obama - "Barack Obama, eat your dinner" Barack Obama, do you want more milk".......wha?!?!?!? Apparently, a few weeks ago she was watching a golf tournament and decided she was Tiger Woods. 'My name isn't Amelia, it's Tiger Woods!!!!!!!'. Then.... A couple of days ago she was watching the Today show and saw Him. She would NOW be referred to as Barack Obama. I'm sure someone with a high level degree in psychology would have fun analyzing this - but instead, it's good for a laugh.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

hooli said...

Oh my goodness! What a fun night. Thanks so much for coming and choking down the strawberry bread.
Let's play games again, soon.