Sunday, October 21, 2007

cha cha cha cha changes.....

This was yesterday.........

This is today!

We received our first snow of the season. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we were at the park, and today we are shoveling. It was one of those wet, heavy snows and luckily we looked out to notice our trees were getting pummeled! Our maples still have (had) most of the their leaves on them and the snow had really smooshed the branches down. Thanks to Erik and his hockey stick they are fine now. Unfortunately for some of our neighbors, lots of branches were broken (Erik tried to save theirs too, but it was too late). Erik is on his way to the Bronco game - I know, I know, it's football weather, but I think he's going to freeze his little tooty off (he loves it when I call his body parts "little" and "tooty").

It's going to be 74 degrees by Wednesday! - Yipeeee!

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ErinAlice said...

Oh my heck!!! I can't believe how cold it looks there. Yesterday it was about 94 and today it was little cold and windy. Of course when I say cold I mean maybe high 60's....maybe I should just say "It wasn't hot but it was sunny!!" I actually miss having seasons and weather. But only because I don't have to shovel the driveway or anything. Grass is always greener I guess. Happy pumpkin carving. the girls' favorite part is sticking their hands inside and pulling out all the guts. That and getting to enjoy the salty seeds. Best of luck with that. Happy Halloween too!!

hooli said...

since it's warming up... let's plan an outing. we're free wed and fri. you?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this Colordo weather. And what do I pack for Thanksgiving??? :-) Eva

Anonymous said...

Anita, I can't find your e-mail adress so I hope this will work: Happy, Happy Birthday! Have a great day and lots of sunshine! Eva