Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

The boys and I spent election day together.  We went to the polls and voted, got our free doughnut at Krispy Kreem (and a couple more) while we watched the doughnuts being made (and even got invited into the kitchen for a closer look), went to Barnes and Nobel for a book and our free cup of coffee at Starbucks, then off to Monkey Bizness for some goofin' around.  

My favorite quote of the day:
-let me start by saying that the boys had a voting day at preschool yesterday.  They learned about the candidates and were able to vote in their own booth and even got the "i voted" stickers-

While getting out of the car to vote.

Jake:  Mom, are you voting for? John McCain or Barack Obama?
Mom:  well, who did you vote for Jake?
Jake:  I voted for Barack Obama
Mom:  Really? Why?
Jake: Because I don't think John McCain has a chance to win.

Out of the mouth of a 4 year old.


ErinAlice said...

So cute! I lost my sticker so no coffee. or doughnuts. But-the phone calls have stopped, so there is that!! Happy Election Day!

hooli said...

And... I guess he knew what he was talking about!
Want to go to MB tomorrow? I know you were just there, but my kids are begging. Plus, I have a coupon.