Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I spent the day with my 3 favorite boys! First, I was able to sleep in (I actually woke at the same time, but laid in bed and listened to the activity happening downstairs in the kitchen - knowing the boys - all of them - would be disappointed if I came down before all laid plans were executed). When I came down, there were homemade waffles and a Grande, 3 pump vanilla, nonfat latte waiting for me. After breakfast, I opened my presents...

Erik tells me the present progression.

Thursday -
Daddy: What should we get Mommy for Mother's Day
Ben: Let's get her her own Power Ranger so she can play with us
Daddy: That's a great idea, but let's get her something else
Jake: I want to get Mommy brown pajamas
Ben: I want to get her a blue dress

Friday -
Daddy: Tell me again what you want to get Mommy for Mother's Day (thinking they might have other ideas)
Jake: I want to get her brown pajamas
Ben: I want to get her a blue dress

Saturday -
Daddy: Let's go get Mommy's present.....what are we getting her again?
Jake: Brown pajamas!
Ben: A blue dress!

so off the Nordstroms they went. As soon as they got off the escagator, great news for Ben! He had found his blue dress. Erik describes this dress as a royal blue sequenced ball gown - (in the $2000.00 price range). With the help of a sales person, they finally settled on a pucci style BCBG MAXAZRIA number. Next, they were off to intimates. Since there weren't any great brown pajamas, Jake chose a soft, yummy blue set. My boys are SWEET!!!!! - all 3 of them!

Sidenote: we went to Nordstroms for returns and then Best Buy for a brand new camcorder. feelings were hurt.

Next, Ben helped me plant flowers while Jake helped Daddy mow the lawn.

We then spent the rest of the day playing the park and ended with ice cream! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!
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1 comment:

hooli said...

I LOVE the sidenote. Returns are the best sometimes.