Thursday, February 07, 2008

Out of the mouth of Jake

A typical dinner conversation:

Mommy "eat your chili Jake"
Jake "I don't like chili"
Mommy "have you ever tried chili?"
Jake "nope!"
Mommy "you cannot decide that you don't like something until you try it - have a bite of chili Jake"

and so on and so on.

Later that night.....
(after witnessing an action SO disgusting, but one that most every toddler participates in)

Mommy "JAKE! do NOT eat your boogers"
Jake "why?"
Mommy "because eating boogers is yucky....use a kleenex"
Jake "why is it yucky?"
Mommy "because boogers are yucky"
Jake "do you like to eat your boogers"
Mommy "no"
Jake "Mommy have you ever tried boogers?"

and so on and so on.....

1 comment:

ErinAlice said...

Out of the mouths of babes....I love it! It is quite interesting when the know how to talk and then use your logic back on you. Gotta love it!!